Flea Market Flowers Cross Stitch Patter by Lori Holt
sold with 18 DMC threads as shown on pattern
The Flea Market Flowers Cross Stitch Pattern by Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet Co. feels as fresh as a whole field of daisies! These beautiful blooms unfurl their petals to reveal dazzling accents, patterns and motifs that will grow a gorgeous bouquet stitch by stitch. Flea Market Flowers Cross Stitch Pattern comes with full-color instructions, diagrams and supply list, including suggested DMC and AuriFloss colors. It is printed on durable 11” x 17” cardstock. The cross stitch is designed to work on 25-count cloth and finishes at 12.25" x 13.625". Our sample was custom-framed, with a frame opening size of 12.625" x 13.75".